日期:2024/01/21   IA

Energy Amid Rivalry | Davos 2024 | World Economic Forum 

2024年1月20日 達沃斯
能源和地緣政治的連結日益緊密。 各國正公開競爭其全球能源供應多元化,包括石油、天然氣和清潔能源解決方案,同時增強其能源供應鏈的彈性,無論是在地理上還是在關鍵礦產方面。


世界經濟論壇是國際公私合作組織。 該論壇吸引了最重要的政治、商業、文化和其他社會領導人參與,以製定全球、區域和行業議程。 我們相信,進步是透過將各行各業有動力和影響力的人們聚集在一起來實現積極的變革。

2024年1月20日  DAVOS
Energy and geopolitics have become increasingly interlinked. Countries are openly competing to diversify their global energy supplies, including oil, gas and clean energy solutions, while enhancing the resilience of their energy supply chains, both geographically and for critical minerals.

How can we leverage the findings from past crises to navigate this new reality and speed up the transition to a secure, sustainable and equitable energy future?

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.