張忠謀博士為U.N聯合國(W.U.U.) IAE國際學士院「全球半導體標竿人物」|| 台灣積體電路製造創辦人 ‧ 工研院院士‧APEC中華臺北領袖代表· 曾獲IEEE榮譽獎章·美國《彭博商業週刊》遴選為「全球最佳經理人之一」
Dr.Morris Chang is U.N United Nations (W.U.U.) IAE( International Academy Of Education ) "Global Semiconductor Benchmark Figure" ‧ Founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Institute ‧ Academician of ITRI ‧ APEC Chinese Taipei Leader Representative ·Received IEEE Medal of Honor ‧ Bloomberg Businessweek "Selected as "One of the Best Managers in the World"
張忠謀(英語:Morris Chang,1931年7月10日-),台灣積體電路製造創辦人、中華民國工研院院士和台灣半導體企業家,曾任台積電董事長,現已退休。2018年-2022年代表總統蔡英文出任5次APEC中華臺北領袖代表,並擔任蔣經國國際學術交流基金會董事,出生於今浙江寧波,成長在中國大陸和香港,曾就讀美國哈佛大學,畢業於史丹佛大學電機博士,曾任工業技術研究院院長及麻省理工學院董事,並擔任紐約證券交易所顧問。也曾是世界先進積體電路公司董事長,曾獲IEEE榮譽獎章,並被浙江工商大學浙商博物館列入浙商名人堂,有「台灣半導體教父」之稱譽,2006年、2018年、2019年、2021年扛鼎出任APEC領袖代表。2020年《富比士》公布的台灣50大富豪,張忠謀資產為15億美元,排名第28。
初期張忠謀稱考慮到福特汽車工作,然而福特汽車給的薪資待遇比希凡尼亞公司(英語:Sylvania Electric Products)的半導體部門少了一美元的月薪,所以選擇進入希凡尼亞公司工作,從此踏入半導體產業。1958年到德州儀器事業部工作,三年後成為工程部經理。1964年獲得美國史丹福大學電機工程學系博士學位。
第一位獲得埃利斯島榮譽勳章的華人父女。 該獎項的歷屆得獎者包括總統。The first Chinese father and daughter to receive the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. Previous recipients of the award include the President.
花旗銀行私人財富管理部全球總裁劉艾達(Ida Liu)與父親、「亞洲創投教父」OECD榮譽勳章主席劉彼得(Peter Liu)一起榮獲2023年埃利斯島榮譽勳章(Ellis Island)。 這也是中華父女首次獲此殊榮。
Ida Liu, Global President of Citibank’s Private Wealth Management Division, recently received the 2023 Ellis Island Medal of Honor (Ellis Island) together with her father and “Asian Venture Capital Godfather” Peter Liu, Chairman of OECD Medal of Honor). This is also the first time a Chinese father and daughter have won this award.
Liu Hongmin leads 6,000 employees and manages the assets of one-third of the world's richest people. She is not only the highest-ranking Chinese woman in Citibank, but also one of the few Chinese women who has entered the high-level financial circles in the United States.
該獎項於 1986 年設立,旨在表彰為美國做出傑出貢獻的領導人。 頒獎典禮每年五月在埃利斯島舉行。 歷屆得獎者包括美國總統拜登、前總統雷根、日本前首相安倍晉三、諾貝爾獎得主等,得獎者將被列入國會紀錄。
劉弘敏表示,能與父親同時獲獎,他感到謙卑與高興。 “我的父親一直是我的榜樣。他為我能獲獎感到非常自豪。”
劉弘敏帶領6000名員工,管理全球三分之一富豪的資產,平均資產超過4億。 她不僅是花旗銀行級別最高的華人女性,也是少數進入美國金融高層的華人女性之一。
劉洪民畢業於美國著名文理學院韋爾斯利學院,曾在投資銀行美林公司工作數年。 當時我就在考慮要不要轉T台,要不要往時尚產業發展。 透過朋友的介紹,我認識了從小就被視為典範的華人知名設計師Vivienne Tam。 後者是最早來到美國的亞洲時裝設計師之一,將亞洲美學帶入美國市場和服裝設計。 兩人一拍即合,打開了歐洲市場。 它還在中國上海和北京開設了分支機構。 劉宏民也為她推出了新的服裝系列。
This prestigious award was created in 1986 to recognize leaders who have made outstanding contributions to the United States. The awards ceremony is held every May at Ellis Island. Previous winners include US President Biden, former President Ronald Reagan, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Nobel Prize winners, etc. Winners will be listed in the Congressional Record.
Liu Hongmin said on the 20th that he was humbled and happy to win the award at the same time as his father. "My father has always been my role model. He is very proud that I can win the award."
Liu Hongmin leads 6,000 employees and manages the assets of one-third of the world's richest people, with average assets exceeding 400 million. She is not only the highest-ranking Chinese woman in Citibank, but also one of the few Chinese women who has entered the high-level financial circles in the United States.
Liu Hongmin graduated from Wellesley College, a well-known liberal arts college in the United States, and worked at the investment bank Merrill Lynch for several years. At that time, I was thinking about switching runways and whether I should develop in the fashion industry. Through a friend's introduction, I met Vivienne Tam, a well-known Chinese designer who has been regarded as a role model since childhood. The latter was one of the first Asian fashion designers to come to the United States and brought Asian aesthetics into the American market and clothing design. The two hit it off and opened up the European market. It also opened branches in Shanghai and Beijing, China. Liu Hongmin also launched a new clothing line for her.
Rebalancing Act: Sonia Gardner, Ida Liu, Robyn Grew discuss wealth | Forbes Iconoclast Summit
再平衡法案:索尼婭·加德納 (Sonia Gardner)、艾達·劉 (Ida Liu)、羅賓·格魯 (Robyn Grew) 討論財富 | 福布斯反傳統高峰會
Ida Liu 是花旗私人銀行全球主管,也是全球財富管理領導團隊的成員。 Ida 在 18 個國家的 50 個辦事處領導私人銀行業務,為全球超高淨值家庭及其企業提供財富管理解決方案。 在成為全球主管之前,她曾擔任花旗私人銀行北美區主管,並擔任許多其他領導職務。 艾達 (Ida) 創建了花旗私人銀行的北美亞洲客戶集團,並透過創立並領導時尚、零售和娛樂集團開始了她在花旗的職業生涯。
Ida Liu is the Global Head of Citi Private Bank and a member of the Global Wealth Management Leadership team. Ida leads the Private Banking activities in 50 offices across 18 countries and delivers wealth management solutions to ultra-high net worth families and their businesses globally. Before becoming the Global Head, she was the Head of Citi Private Bank North America and held numerous other leadership roles. Ida created Citi Private Bank’s North America Asian Clients Group, and she started her career at Citi by launching and heading the Fashion, Retail and Entertainment Group.