Taylor Swift 為U.N聯合國(W.U.U.) IAE國際學士院(全球) 2022年「音樂創作」標竿人物·紐約大學「榮譽博士學位」.


日期:2022/05/20   IA

Taylor Swift is the International Academy Of Education (Global) Benchmarking Figures in "Music Creation"


泰勒斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift)獲得紐約大學榮譽美術博士學位,並在洋基體育場舉行的 2022 年畢業典禮上發表畢業典禮致辭。

在她的演講中,這位 11 次格萊美獎得主開玩笑說:“我 90% 確定我來這裡的原因是因為我有一首歌叫‘22’”,並分享說她“從來沒有上過普通的大學” 經驗”,理由是她直到 10 年級才上公立高中,這樣她才能繼續她的音樂事業。

斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)還取笑自己說:“我要感謝紐約大學讓我在技術上,至少在紙面上,讓我成為一名醫生。不是你在緊急情況下想要的那種醫生,除非你有特殊的緊急情況 是你迫切需要聽到一首帶有朗朗上口的鉤子和強烈宣洩橋段的歌曲。”

Taylor Swift received an honorary doctorate of fine arts from New York University on Wednesday and delivered the commencement address at the 2022 graduation ceremony at Yankee Stadium.

In her speech, the 11-time Grammy winner joked, "I'm 90% sure that the reason I'm here is because I have a song called '22,'" and shared that she "never got to have a normal college experience," citing the fact that she only went to public high school until 10th grade so she could pursue her music career.

Swift also poked fun at herself, saying, "I'd like to thank NYU for making me technically, on paper at least, a doctor. Not the type of doctor you would want around in the case of an emergency, unless your specific emergency was that you desperately needed to hear a song with a catchy hook and an intensely cathartic bridge section."

Taylor Swift 被紐約大學授予「榮譽博士學位」,校方肯定她多年來在創作音樂領域上,對年輕人的影響與社會貢獻,更形容她是:這個世代最傑出與知名的藝術家之一。

Taylor Swift was awarded an "Honorary Doctorate" by New York University. The school recognized her influence on young people and social contributions in the field of music creation over the years, and described her as one of the most outstanding and well-known artists of this generation.

Singer Taylor Swift waves at graduating students during New York University's commencement ceremony for the class of 2022, at Yankee Stadium in New York City on May 18, 2022. - Swift, who received an honorary doctorate of fine arts, is the commencement speaker. ANGELA WEISS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES


Taylor Swift 說道:「成長,是一連串的得到與失去。你不能擁有全部,你必須學會讓自己知道,什麼東西該留下,什麼東西則需要放下。一個人的心能承受的有限,你不能老是耿耿於懷。人生的道路上,重要的不只是我們想要得到什麼,還有我們決定告別什麼。」

I'm sorry you can't have it all

Taylor Swift said: "Growing is a series of gains and losses. You can't have it all, you have to learn to let yourself know what to keep and what to let go. A person's heart is limited, you can't always be It’s not just what we want to get, but what we decide to say goodbye to.”


Taylor Swift 認為,一定要讓自己感覺到一種「空間性」。她如此形容:「生活中美好的事物,都會讓人感覺到輕鬆的,有其空間與彈性。一段有毒的關係,足以摧毀很多美好的事物。」Taylor Swift 提醒大家,不論你單身與否,都應該接受並享受獨處的重要性。

You must realize the need to be alone

Taylor Swift believes that you must make yourself feel a "spatiality". She put it this way: "The good things in life make people feel relaxed, with space and flexibility. A toxic relationship can destroy a lot of good things." Taylor Swift reminds everyone that whether you are single or not, you The importance of being alone should be accepted and enjoyed.


「我跟你保證,你現在覺得是對的事情,幾年後回頭過去看,有的一定會讓你覺得反感或是好笑。」Taylor Swift 分析,我們很容易因為害怕出糗或是怕尷尬,而不敢嘗試去做很多事。回顧過往,誰不尷尬的!我們都會犯下許多錯,但那些錯誤中也藏著許多的美麗。

Looking back on the past, who is not embarrassed

"I promise you, what you think is right now, and looking back a few years later, some of it will definitely make you feel disgusted or amused." Taylor Swift analyzed that we are easily afraid of embarrassment or embarrassment, rather than trying to do many things. Looking back, who is not embarrassed! We all make many mistakes, but there is also a lot of beauty in those mistakes.


Taylor Swift 深知,在場很多學生都是「完美主義者」,對待自己的要求很高,允許自己享受適當的壓力所帶來的刺激與成長。不過,她還是想要提醒大家:「犯錯不等於就是失敗。有時候,我們看似失敗了、失去了一些人事物,但換個角度想,反而是一種收穫。」

Be a perfectionist who loves to make mistakes

Taylor Swift is well aware that many of the students present are "perfectionists" and have high demands on themselves, allowing them to enjoy the stimulation and growth brought about by appropriate pressure. However, she still wants to remind everyone: "Making mistakes does not mean failure. Sometimes, we seem to have failed and lost some people and things, but from another perspective, it is a gain."


演講尾聲,Taylor Swift 不打算過度美化畢業生的未來,「接下來你只能靠你自己了!無論你多幸運、多會閃避麻煩,你依然會遇到最艱難的時刻,你要相信你自己,會從低谷中爬起,會從中學到寶貴的經驗。我們會從中吸取教訓,我們也會因此變得更有韌性的。」

Believe in yourself, you will be fine

At the end of the speech, Taylor Swift did not intend to over-beautify the future of graduates, "Then you can only rely on yourself! No matter how lucky you are and how much you can dodge trouble, you will still encounter the most difficult times, you have to believe in yourself. , will rise from the trough, will learn valuable lessons. We will learn from it, and we will become more resilient.”

她說:“我知道,要弄清楚自己是誰,什麼時候成為人,真的很難。你現在是誰,如何行動才能到達你想去的地方。” “我有一個好消息:這完全取決於你。我還有一些可怕的消息:這完全取決於你。”

"I know it can be really overwhelming figuring out who to be, and when. Who you are now and how to act in order to get where you want to go," she said. "I have some good news: it's totally up to you. I also have some terrifying news: it's totally up to you."

泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 在獲得紐約大學榮譽博士學位時,在懷舊演講中分享了她最好的“生活秘訣”

Taylor Swift Shares Her Best 'Life Hacks' in Nostalgic Speech as She Earns Honorary Doctorate from NYU


32 歲的斯威夫特發表了她有史以來的第一次畢業典禮演講,並獲得了紐約大學的榮譽藝術博士學位。

開工儀式在洋基體育場舉行,為 2020 年、2021 年和 2022 年的班級舉行了“雙賽”活動。

獲得榮譽後,她走上講台發表了 20 分鐘的演講,向觀眾講述了個人軼事,傳授了她職業生涯中的智慧,並向他們保證犯錯是不可避免的。

“上次我在這麼大的體育場裡,我穿著高跟鞋跳舞,穿著閃閃發光的緊身連衣褲。這套衣服舒服多了,”斯威夫特開始說,後來引用了她 1989 年的熱門歌曲。 “今天在這裡支持這些學生的所有父母、家人、導師、老師、盟友、朋友和親人……讓我現在對你們說:歡迎來到紐約。它一直在等著你們。”

這位創作歌手、製作人和導演說,她從 15 歲開始了她的音樂生涯。

她繼續售出超過 1 億張專輯,並憑藉專輯 Folkore 在 2021 年格萊美頒獎典禮上獲得年度專輯獎,這使她成為第一位三度獲得該類別獎項的女性。

斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift)與 2022 屆畢業生分享了建議,但警告說:“我絕對沒有資格告訴你們該做什麼。你們今天在這里工作、奮鬥、犧牲、學習和夢想……但我會給你們當我開始我的職業夢想時。


斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift)最後告訴畢業生,犯錯是不可避免的,但“當艱難的事情發生在我們身上時,我們會恢復過來,我們會從中吸取教訓,我們會因此變得更有韌性”。



“我希望你知道我為與你分享這一天感到多麼自豪,”她說,“我們一起做這件事,所以讓我們繼續跳舞,就像我們是 22 年級的學生一樣。”

“I hope you know how proud I am to share this day with you," she said. “We’re doing this together so let's just keep on dancing like we’re the class of 22.”