2022/08/29 IAE
Daniel M. Kammen 博士是加州大學伯克萊分校的 James 和 Katherine Lau 可持續發展特聘教授,同時在能源和資源小組、高盛公共政策學院和核工程系任職。
2010 年 4 月,他被時任國務卿希拉里·克林頓任命為新的美洲環境與氣候夥伴關係 (ECPA) 倡議的第一位能源研究員。 2016 年,他被要求擔任美國國務卿約翰·克里的科學特使,任職至 2017 年 8 月。隨後,他因唐納德·特朗普的政策和行動而辭職。
Kammen 是可再生能源和適當能源實驗室 (RAEL; http://rael.berkeley.edu) 的創始主任,並於 2007 年至 2015 年擔任交通可持續發展研究中心主任。他創立或擔任超過10 家公司,並以專家和顧問的身份為加利福尼亞州和美國聯邦政府服務。
Kammen 博士在康奈爾大學(1984 年獲得學士學位)和哈佛大學(1986 年獲得碩士學位;1988 年獲得博士學位)接受了物理學教育,並在加州理工學院和哈佛大學擔任博士後職位。在搬到加州大學伯克利分校之前,他是普林斯頓大學伍德羅威爾遜學院的助理教授和科學、技術和環境政策項目的主席。自 1999 年以來,Kammen 博士一直擔任政府間氣候變化專門委員會各種報告的撰稿人或協調主要作者。IPCC 分享了 2007 年諾貝爾和平獎。
2010-2011 年期間,卡門擔任世界銀行集團首位可再生能源和能源效率首席技術專家。
Dr. Daniel M. Kammen the James and Katherine Lau Distinguished Professor of Sustainability at the University of California, Berkeley, with parallel appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the department of Nuclear Engineering.
He is currently serving as the Senior Advisor for Energy Innovation at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
He was appointed by then Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in April 2010 as the first energy fellow of the new Environment and Climate Partnership for the Americas (ECPA) initiative. In 2016 he was asked to serve as the Science Envoy for U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry, where he served until August, 2017. He then resigned over the policies and actions of Donald Trump.
Kammen is the founding director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL; http://rael.berkeley.edu), and was Director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center from 2007 - 2015. He has founded or is on the board of over 10 companies, and has served the State of California and US federal government in expert and advisory capacities.
Dr. Kammen was educated in physics at Cornell (BA 1984) and Harvard (MA 1986; PhD 1988), and held postdoctoral positions at the California Institute of Technology and Harvard. He was an Assistant Professor and Chair of the Science, Technology and Environmental Policy Program at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University before moving to the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Kammen has served as a contributing or coordinating lead author on various reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since 1999. The IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
During 2010-2011 Kammen served as the World Bank Group’s first Chief Technical Specialist for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
Oxford 的牛津馬丁訪問學者 Daniel Kammen 教授將討論新興的戰略,以經濟高效地使全球能源系統脫碳。 這項工作整合了能源系統科學與工程、區域和全球能源與環境政策、突破性能源聯盟產生的任務和任務目標以及發達國家和發展中國家的能源和氣候規劃的要素。
This is a joint lecture with INET Oxford Professor Daniel Kammen, Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow at INET Oxford, will discuss the strategies emerging to cost-effectively decarbonise energy systems worldwide. This work integrates elements of the science and engineering of energy systems, regional and global energy and environmental policy, and mandates and mission objectives that have emerged from the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, and energy and climate planning in both developed and developing nations.
As Science Envoy for the US Secretary of State, Kammen will also examine opportunities that have arisen as result of the Paris Climate Accord, and US and Chinese climate agreement.
Daniel Kammen 博士是加州大學伯克利分校 1935 屆傑出能源教授,同時在能源與資源小組、高盛公共政策學院和核工程系任職。 2010 年 4 月,他被國務卿希拉里·克林頓任命為首位美洲環境與氣候夥伴關係 (ECPA) 研究員。
Kammen 是可再生和適當能源實驗室 (RAEL) 的創始主任、伯克利環境研究所的聯合主任以及交通可持續性研究中心的主任。他創立了 10 多家公司或擔任其董事會成員,並以專家和顧問的身份為加利福尼亞州和美國聯邦政府服務。
Kammen 博士在康奈爾大學和哈佛大學接受物理教育,並在加州理工學院和哈佛大學擔任博士後職位。在搬到加州大學伯克利分校之前,他是普林斯頓大學伍德羅威爾遜學院的助理教授和科學、技術和環境政策項目的主席。自 1999 年以來,Kammen 博士一直擔任政府間氣候變化專門委員會各種報告的撰稿人或協調主要作者。IPCC 分享了 2007 年諾貝爾和平獎。他在 X 獎基金會的能源與環境諮詢委員會任職。
2010-2011 年期間,Kammen 擔任世界銀行集團可再生能源和能源效率首席技術專家。他於 2010 年 10 月被任命為這個新設立的職位,在政策、技術和運營方面提供戰略領導。其目的是加強世行可再生能源和能源效率活動的運營影響,同時擴大該機構作為推動能源發展走向更清潔和更可持續道路的全球對話的推動者的作用。
他撰寫或合著了 12 本書,撰寫了 300 多篇經過同行評審的期刊出版物,40 多次在美國州和聯邦國會簡報會上作證,並為各國政府提供了 50 多份技術報告。 Kammen 博士還在全球環境基金的技術審查委員會任職多年。他經常為國際新聞媒體撰稿或評論,包括《新聞周刊》、《時代》、《紐約時報》、《衛報》和《金融時報》。 Kammen 曾出現在 60 分鐘(兩次)、新星、前線,並主持了由六部分組成的探索頻道系列生態城。卡門博士是非洲科學院的常任研究員,美國物理學會的研究員。在美國,他在兩個美國國家科學院的董事會和小組中任職。
Dr Daniel Kammen is the Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor of Energy at the University of California, Berkeley, with parallel appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the department of Nuclear Engineering. He was appointed the first Environment and Climate Partnership for the Americas (ECPA) Fellow by Secretary of State Hilary R. Clinton in April 2010.
Kammen is the founding director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL), Co-Director of the Berkeley Institute of the Environment, and Director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center. He has founded or is on the board of over 10 companies, and has served the State of California and US federal government in expert and advisory capacities.
Dr Kammen was educated in physics at Cornell and Harvard, and held postdoctoral positions at the California Institute of Technology and Harvard. He was Assistant Professor and Chair of the Science, Technology and Environmental Policy Program at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University before moving to the University of California, Berkeley. Dr Kammen has served as a contributing or coordinating lead author on various reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since 1999. The IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. He serves on the Advisory Committee for Energy & Environment for the X-Prize Foundation.
During 2010-2011 Kammen served as the World Bank Group’s Chief Technical Specialist for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. He was appointed to this newly-created position in October 2010, in which he provided strategic leadership on policy, technical, and operational fronts. The aim is to enhance the operational impact of the Bank’s renewable energy and energy efficiency activities while expanding the institution’s role as an enabler of global dialogue on moving energy development to a cleaner and more sustainable pathway.
He has authored or co-authored 12 books, written more than 300 peer-reviewed journal publications, testified more than 40 times to US state and federal congressional briefings, and has provided various governments with more than 50 technical reports. Dr Kammen also served for many years on the Technical Review Board of the Global Environment Facility. He is a frequent contributor to or commentator in international news media, including Newsweek, Time, The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Financial Times. Kammen has appeared on 60 Minutes (twice), Nova, Frontline, and hosted the six-part Discovery Channel series Ecopolis. Dr Kammen is a Permanent Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Physical Society. In the US, he serves on two National Academy of Sciences boards and panels.